

The Observer is the real you, where You are the observer of your thoughts, this is the true essence of you.

Have you ever noticed how we sometimes talk to ourselves especially when we catch ourselves having stupid or irrational thoughts. Notice how our adult self, which is the confident and unconditioned observer , pulls the conditioned child self within into line.

NarrativeDon’t be so narrow minded”

Don’t think like that”

“You Know that’s not how it really is”!

This is the observer telling your conditioned self to let go of the small stuff so that you can start to live authentically.

So how do connect with the observer?

How do you allow the observer in all its peaceful, blissfulness to radiate through you so that you can experience life not as the conditioned child but as our true adult unconditioned self ?

The path is definitely within your gasp, the answer is to MEDITATE, to practice consciously to Connect, Align and Transform. 

It’s quite simple…haha!!

A common rhetoric I hear about meditation is, “I tried that once but my mind is too busy, and it’s a waste of time”

OK this is where taking a good hard look at our life comes into it.

Ask yourself

How am I really feeling?

Do I feel in control?

Is happiness and peace at the my centre of my being?

And when you do, if the answers are in the negative then perhaps your nervous system is officially in overdrive and that’s not good!

Sometimes the rhetoric is about avoiding wanting to go within, not wanting to change. How easy is it not to stay within the familiar, to keep living unconsciously, to keep living the way you have always lived and not challenging your thoughts and feelings.

Here is some awesome news for you!

The change gained from partaking in mediative practices will introduce you to something you might not have expected.


Connects you with the observer.

Connects you with the divine.

Aligns you with your consciousness, thoughts and feelings and other like minded people around you.

Transforms you to change with peace, harmony and an open heart.

Connecting to the observer within gives you new perspective, it allows you to see and appreciate others through a different lens, which is both humble and compassionate.

Meditation connects you with the ancient and blissful and dispels the need for you to exist amid chaos!

On our website www.vitalforce.net.au we have created an online meditation course for you to discover the OBSERVER in you so that you can discover what it is to Connect, Align and Transform. Click the link below

Meditation-Connecting With The Observer (Buy Now)




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